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Villenstrasse Luzern

business and residential

Rössli Eschenbach

apartment buildings

Kanzleikreisel Emmenbrücke

rental apartments

Lützelau Weggis

Hotel and Restaurant

Gärbi Aarburg

apartment buildings

Mülipark Etappe 2 Schüpfheim

apartment buildings

Mitte Udligenswil

apartment buildings

Lützelau Weggis

Lakefront hotel with restaurant at the riviera of Switzerland.

Detached houses
Detached houses
Projektstatus Development aktiv
Projektstatus Planning application inaktiv
Planning application
Projektstatus Planning permission inaktiv
Planning permission

22. März 2019

Status of the competition: Winning project by Rolf Mühlethaler, Bern

21. Juli 2021

Status of special use plan: Design plan with partial zoning plan revision in progress